2D Animation Course

2D Animation Course for Beginners

Our course purpose is to help anyone interested in 2D Animation to start practicing with little projects, simple Characters, and most of all, explore the expressiveness of their Body Language and Character Acting.Many people seldom to start learning 2D animation because they are convinced that you need to know how to draw. While drawing skills can help you to improve, that is not the essential skill to do animation. For animation you need to understand the most basic principles in animation, like timing, anticipation, pose to pose.

This course puts those basic concepts into practice and also explains step by step how to achieve great body language when a character is talking.

Course Key Content:

  • find inspiration yet still create a unique piece of work
  • organize your ideas into a moodboard
  • get ideas out of your head by sketching
  • use your sketch as a starting point for illustration
  • utilize basic shapes to create an outlined illustration
  • use the pen tool to create organic shapes
  • color your illustration and add details
  • prepare your illustration for animation
  • import your illustration into After Effects
  • animate an object’s position and adjust its motion path
  • create masks
  • animate colors changing
  • animate scale and opacity
  • use the wave warp effect to animate smoke
  • animate snow (and make it loop!)
  • render (export) your animation as a .mov, .mp4, or gif file

Course Audience 

This class is perfect for beginners to Adobe Illustrator and After Effects; no prior experience with either program is necessary. But, if you are already a seasoned artist, this class will help you understand how you can add motion to your work.

Download  Graphic Animation | Illustration Tools & Tips

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