digital marketing

About Digital Marketing Jobs

If you love helping communicate a message from a company to its consumers, a marketing job could be a great fit. From managing social media and public relations to researching the effectiveness of marketing strategies and writing content, marketing jobs are varied and dynamic.

It’s important to spend some time understanding the various opportunities in marketing to best find your niche. Here are 21 of the best marketing jobs to kickstart your search.

Here are 21 Types of Digital Marketing Jobs to make your Career. Scroll Down and see more about it.


Digital Marketing

1.  Social Media Manager

Social media is a huge marketing tool. Social media managers strategize the best ways to use social media for marketing. 

You’ll be in charge of managing social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram to connect with your customers, as well as responding to comments and tweets, and creating and queuing up content calendars.

2. Digital Marketing Analyst

This position is laser focused on digital marketing campaigns and their success. You’ll analyze online campaigns and ensure that they meet the needs and desires of the company. This means you care about the data and figuring out why certain things worked and how to improve for next time.

3. Email Marketing Manager

Help create emails that customers won’t delete before reading! Your job is to increase customer communication, send emails at the best times, and optimize traffic.

As email marketing manager, you will develop the emails and curate appropriate and relevant content as well as collect data about your readers — who is reading? who is not? how will this change our strategies in the future? 

4. SEO Analyst

If you’re obsessed with keyword strategy, become an SEO analyst. This position helps companies get more website visits by strategically using keywords. The SEO world is changing quickly so it’s important to stay up to date on new tools and strategies.

5. Growth Marketer

Growth marketers love to look at A/B testing and conversion rates. If you love figuring out how to go from nothing to something, or something to something even bigger, this is the job for you. You’ll help your company or client grow, which is very satisfying.

6. User Acquisition Manager

In plain language, you want to get people to become users and customers of your brand or product.  You’ll be in charge of making sure this happens by creating and testing different campaigns, and working with the growth manager of different A/B testing campaigns.

You’ll have to be passionate about analyzing data and creative about new ways to acquire users.


7. Consumer Behavior Specialist

Get into the mind of consumers and figure out their needs and desires. Using psychology, you’ll analyze purchasing habits of customers to make your company more successful. Your findings and analysis will determine future marketing strategy and hopefully positively influence future sales and engagement.

8. Market Research Analyst

Market research analysts find out what kinds of products people want and how much they will pay for the products. This helps determine marketing strategy, product creation, and pricing.

9. Product Developer

A product developer works with the marketing team to develop a product that consumers want and at the price point at which they will buy.

The product developer will tweak the design with feedback from the company’s experts, especially marketing experts, to create a marketable product. Backgrounds of engineering and design are popular for this role.

Community & Public Relations

10. Public Relations Coordinator

People say there’s no such thing as bad press, which is debatable. Your job is to help get that press (and hopefully good press!). A public relations coordinator helps get the word out by acting as a liaison of sorts, informing the public about media that highlights events, people, or products.

In this job, you will assist in both content creation and the process of passing it on to journalists that will share the company’s stories.

11. Communications Manager

Oversee the communications strategy and team as the communications manager. You’ll work with all public relations coordinators, copywriters, graphic designers, email marketing managers, and the rest of the team to lead them to communications success.

12. Community Manager

Community managers work with social media managers, but their role involves communicating with an online community to connect with customers (both current and potential) and being a brand advocate.

While social media reaches those who already know a company, community managers seek to communicate with those who are not yet familiar with them. And while a social media manager speaks as the brand, the community manager speaks as a person.

13. Brand Ambassador

If you like talking to people face-to-face more than analyzing data, this is a great position for you. As a brand ambassador, you work to represent the brand positively and increase notoriety and sales.

Some examples are doing sampling at a local grocery store as a food company ambassador and tabling at events to spread brand awareness.


14. Creative Director

Be the head honcho of everything creative as creative director. You’ll take the lead on advertising and marketing campaigns and work with copywriters, graphic designers, and the marketing team to execute successful campaigns.

15. Film and Video Editor

Help create marketing videos as a film and video editor. From commercials to viral videos, you’re the person who helps get those videos from raw footage to final product. If successful, your video will help your brand get recognition and this will increase awareness.  

16. Content Writer/Blogger

Contrary to what some people think, keeping up a company’s content and blog is nothing short of a full-time job. You’ll find ways to create relevant and timely content that others want to read as well as recruit guest writers and bloggers for content that matches your company’s voice.

17. Graphic Designer

You’ll help design logos, charts, web pages, printed materials, and more. Without you, a website is just a screen with type. Help represent your company’s brand and create images and design that match.


18. Chief Marketing Officer

The CMO is the boss man or woman of the marketing department who, naturally, always gets the final say (they are the chief, after all).  The CMO serves under the CEO and communicates between the CEO and the marketing department.

19. VP of Marketing

The vice president of marketing works under the CMO and helps to develop a company marketing plan. The VP works to create strategies and implements them with the marketing team to ensure success for the brand as outlined by the CMO. They also help train and coach members of the marketing team.

20. Brand Manager (Consumer Packaged Goods)

A brand manager is in charge of creating and protecting a brand and making sure that it resonates with consumers. The brand manager ensures that all marketing messages match the brand before any materials or campaigns are released.

21. Marketing Manager

If you feel comfortable overseeing both a variety of people and a variety of advertising and sales campaigns, then you should look into being a marketing manager. You might be focused on just one product, an entire brand, or overseeing the entire marketing strategy for the company.

Whatever you are working on, it’s your job to help sell your product or message, and help those in positions that support you do the same.

Career in Digital Marketing

There’s no getting around the fact that almost all businesses, sooner or later, must include digital in their marketing activities. And with the demand for digital marketers outweighing the supply, there are plenty of opportunities out there for those looking to get into the field.

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