Oracle Eloqua and Oracle Content Marketing Cloud Service 2013 Implementation Essentials

You can easily pass 1Z0-412 Oracle Eloqua and Oracle Content Marketing Cloud Service 2013 Implementation Essentials Certification with the help of our online practice exam. At oraclestudy.com, we are here to help you in clearing your Oracle 1Z0-412 certification exam. Our team of experienced and certified Oracle professionals with more than 12 years of experience in Oracle Technology has designed this practice exam. We have carefully maintained exam structure, exam syllabus, exam duration and passing score same as actual Oracle 1Z0-412 certification exam. Our online practice exam contains practical and case study based questions. These questions are the most frequently asked in actual Oracle Eloqua and Oracle Content Marketing Cloud Service 2013 Implementation Essentials (1Z0-412) certification exam for Oracle Eloqua and Oracle Content Marketing Cloud Service 2013 Certified Implementation Specialist (OCS) credential.

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Who should take the exam?

The Oracle 1Z0-340 Exam is best suited for those candidates who are in administrator role or equivalent position. Also, this exam proves to be an excellent opportunity for those who have up-to-date training and 6 months to 1 year of hands on experience with supporting Eloqua CX implementations.

Benefits of Oracle Certifications

Oracle Certifications are recognised around the world and you can derive the following benefits from the 1Z0-340 Exam-

  • Firstly, the 1Z0-340 exam expands your knowledge and an oracle validation is appealing to your potential employers.
  • Secondly, you learn to perform complex, hand on activity through lab sessions.
  • Subsequently, you receive access to a secure digital badge that can be added to your social media profiles.
  • Moreover, through this exam you get to join the 80% of Oracle certification holders who reported a promotion or salary increase and career improvement.

But before you get to too enthusiastic, let’s first begin with the basic exam details of Oracle Eloqua Marketing Cloud Services 2019 Implementation Essentials 1Z0-340.


What is the knowledge required for the Oracle 1Z0-340-20 Exam?

Candidates applying for Oracle 1Z0-340-20 exam should be aware that this exam validates good understanding of a successful implementation of the Eloqua platform. Moreover, you should have up-to-date training and 6 months to 1 year of hands-on experience in supporting or leading Eloqua implementations in an administrator role or equivalent practice is recommended.

How many questions will be there in Oracle 1Z0-340-20 Exam?

There will be 60 questions that need completion in a time frame of 85 minutes in the Oracle 1Z0-340-20 Exam.

How much the Oracle 1Z0-340-20 exam will cost?

The exam will cost you $245 USD including the additional taxes.

What is the time duration for the Oracle 1Z0-340-20 exam?

You will get 85 minutes to complete the Oracle 1Z0-340-20 exam

What are the languages available for Oracle 1Z0-340-20 Exam?

This exam is available in the English language only.

What is passing score for Oracle 1Z0-340-20 Exam?

You have to score minimum of 70% to pass the certification exam.

What is the Oracle cloud re-certification policy?

Oracle Cloud Certification credentials are only valid for a period of 18 months from the date you earn the credential. The certification will become inactive at the end of 18 months. However, for Oracle candidates, it is necessary to hold an active certification in order to have access to various certification benefits including, using Oracle certification logos, certificates, scoring reports, digital badges, and certification verification.

What is the Course Submission Form?

The Course Submission Form is a requirement in obtaining most OCP and OCM certifications as well as some Oracle Expert Program certifications.

When Oracle releases a new version of my certification, do I need to upgrade?

Some Oracle Certifications are now subject to the Recertification Policy. For certifications NOT subject to the Recertification Policy, Oracle strongly recommends that you keep your certification current with the current version released. However, it is not required to upgrade when a new version is released. You should be aware, however, that as subsequent versions of your certification continue to be released, your certification will become less relevant, and any training to help you prepare for upgrade exams may become obsolete.

Do I need to complete training to upgrade to a new version of certification?

Those who are upgrading certification are typically not required to attend another course when upgrading their certification from an earlier version. However, track requirements do change and are subject to modification.

I cannot access my exam results when I click on See My New Exam Results Now. How can I get my exam results?

If there is a technical issue that affects the function of the See My New Exam Results Now link, you can access your exam results by signing in to certview.oracle.com, and clicking on the Certification Status and then on Exam History. Results will be available here by 24 hours after you have taken the exam.

Closing Thought

Certifications like Oracle 1Z0-340 help you validate your IT experience and broaden your network. These certifications help you gain a competitive edge by validating the skill sets and making you job ready.

Always remember that preparations need time so begin early.  You improve and learn during your journey and this broadens your knowledge. Our study guide helps you to efficiently prepare for your exam and pass it with flying colours.


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