Oracle Database SQL Exam 1Z0-071
Oracle Database SQL Exam 1Z0-071 training course, Oracle certified expert instructors will help you explore the advanced features of SQL, learn step-by-step to use SQL for all database management scenario.
SQL Course Description
Structured query language (SQL) is the language of databases. Whether you run reports or provide a dynamic website or an enterprise level ERP system, you need to know SQL to add, delete, edit and view records. Databases organize and collect your data, and the SQL language is the liaison between you and the data. The role of database administrator includes several functions that you should know. You should know how to create and design tables, manipulate your data and run reports, create small programs (stored procedures) and use more advanced concepts such as transactional support and cursors.
Below Videos Will Help You To Learn Oracle Database SQL
Lesson 1
Lesson 4
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- Week End Classes For Professionals SAT | SUN
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